It started out like a normal day. That changed when the mailman knocked on my door. "I can't open your mailbox" he stated, handing me my mail. Then he turned and walked away.
"Strange", I thought, "what could he mean by that." The lid on my mailbox is not heavy or difficult to open." So I went out to investigate.
When I pulled up on the lid, it opened with no hesitation at all. Perfectly normal. That I tried to stuff the mail I was still carrying in the other hand into the mailbox and it slammed shut before I could put it in. "What the hell!" I exclaimed.
"I'm on strike." the mailbox replied.
"What do you mean your on strike? On strike for what? More money? Better benefits? Your a mailbox! You don't get money or benefits."
"I'm on strike for better mail. All you ever get is bills and junk mail. It's very boring and depressing so I decided I don't want to deal with it anymore. Maybe if you got some love letters occasionally. Some invitations to go to exotic places. Some instructions for a spy mission. Just something interesting."
"Well sorry if my life is not exciting enough for my mailbox. I do get more personal mail sometimes but now it's sent by email."
"Email! I should have known it! You have another mailbox and that one gets all the best mail and I get all the boring junk mail. Is it because I'm getting old? Is it because my gold eagle is really plastic painted gold?"
"No, no! You don't understand. It's not another mailbox. Email comes in by computer. A lot of people send mail that way now because it's much faster and cheaper."
"So now your letting that damn computer steal my job? A simple, old-fashioned mailbox isn't good enough to hold your precious mail?"
I realized this approach wasn't getting me anywhere, so I tried another. "Tell you what, suppose I get you a new eagle, one of real brass, and promise you will get to hold some juicy personal mail in the future?"
"How often will I get this personal mail?"
"At least once a month", I replied.
"OK, It's a deal".
So I got a brass eagle from the hardware store and I've been getting one or two personal letters by snail mail every month since then. It's been nearly a year and so far the mailbox hasn't gone on strike again. Just don't tell him that I mail those personal letters to myself.
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